Almuñécar. 15th-19th May 2023
20th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference
About the ELS Conference
The 20th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference (ELS-XX) will be held in Hotel “Bahía Tropical” located in Almuñecar, one of the most popular tourist destinations on the Costa Tropical of Granada, Spain. The conference will build on the remarkable success of the previous ELS conferences held in Amsterdam, Helsinki (twice), New York, Vigo, Halifax, Gainesville, Bremen, Salobreña, St. Petersburg, Bodrum, Hatfield, Taormina, Lille, Leipzig, College Park, College Station, Hangzhou, and the 19th conference held online on July 2021.
The main goal of the ELS conference series is to bring together scientists and engineers studying various aspects of light scattering and to provide a relaxed academic atmosphere for in-depth discussions of theoretical advances, measurements, and applications.
Background image credits: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA)
Confirmed invited speakers
Plenary van de Hulst Award 2020 lecture by Gérard Gouesbet,Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Normadie University, France
Plenary van de Hulst Award 2022 lecture by Ping Yang, Texas A&M University, USA
Romain Ceolato, “Characterizing microparticles with multispectral small-angle light scattering.” The French Aerospace Lab-University of Toulouse, France.
Yevgen Grynko, "Light backsattering from large particles and dense particulate media: solving a multi-scale electromagnetic problem". Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany
Sungsoo Kim, “The Danuri Moon Mission/PolCam first results”, Korea Aerospace Institute, Daejon, South Korea.
Hannakaisa Lindqvist “Estimating CO2 by modeling the contribution of aerosol scattering on satellite measurements." Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland.
Daniel Mackowski, "multiple sphere T-Matrix code", Auburn University, USA.
Alessandro Magazzù, “Manipulating individual dust particles with optical forces”. CNR-IPCF, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici, Messina, Italy.
Francois Menard,"light scattering by circumstellar dust disks", Université Grenoble Alpes, France.
Antti Penttila,“Asteroid modeling”. University of Helsinki, Finland.
Ann Carine van Daele, "Role of dust in the Martian atmosphere", Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomie, Belgium.
Anne Virkki, "Solar System surfaces characterization by modeling radar scattering". University of Helsinki, Finland.
Hester Volten,"Citizen scientists monitoring air quality". National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Netherlands.
The specific topics that will be covered include (but are not limited to) the following:
New theoretical developments, numerical simulations, and laboratory measurements of light scattering by nonspherical and morphologically complex particles and particle groups
Detection and characterization of atmospheric particulates using laboratory, in situ, and remote sensing techniques
Scattering of light by terrestrial aerosols and clouds, oceanic particulates, solar system objects, exoplanets, stelar disks, and various astrophysical objects
Applications of light scattering methods in biology and biomedicine
Near-field and coherent effects in light scattering, optical trapping, and manipulation
Light scattering methods to control material properties and technological applications
Olga Muñoz Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain
Karri Muinonen, University of Helsinki & National Land Survey, Finland
Gorden Videen, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA
Scientific Committee
Baptiste Auguie, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Mathew Berg, Kansas State University, USA
Lei Bi, Zhejiang University, China
Oleg Dubovik, CNRS/Universite de Lille, France
Gérard Gouesbet, National Institute of Applied Sciences, Rouen, France
Maria Antonia Iati, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Messina, Italy
Michael Kahnert, Swedish Meteorological Institute and Hydrological Institute, Sweden
Ludmilla Kolokolova, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
Andreas Macke, Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig, Germany
Onofrio M. Maragò, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Messina, Italy
Hal Maring, NASA HQ, Washington, DC, USA
M. Pinar Mengüç, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Fernando Moreno, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain
Karri Muinonen, University of Helsinki & National Land Survey, Finland
Olga Muñoz, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain
Yurij Shkuratov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkov, Ukraine
Ann Carine Vandaele, Royal Belgian Institute for Spac Aeronomie, Brussels, Belgium
Gorden Videen, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA
Anne Virkki, University of Helsinki, Finland
Thomas Wriedt, University of Bremen, Germany
Ping Yang, Texas A&M University, USA
Maxim Yurkin, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Evgenij Zubko, Kyung Hee University, Yongin-shi, Republic of Korea
Local Organizing Committee
Elisa Frattin, IAA-CSIC
Juan Carlos Gómez-Martín, IAA-CSIC
Daniel Guirado, IAA-CSIC
François Malaval, IAA-CSIC
Julia Martikainen, IAA-CSIC
Fernando Moreno, IAA-CSIC
Olga Muñoz, IAA-CSIC
Alicia Pelegrina, IAA-CSIC
Call for abstracts
Participants interested in presenting an oral communication are invited to submit an abstract before Friday, March 3rd 2023. All abstracts will undergo peer review by the SOC.
Notification regarding the status of your abstract acceptance is expected to be sent by the end of March 2023.
Abstratcs must be submitted through the submission form.
Important dates
Registation opening: Friday, October 14th 2022
Abstracts submission deadline : Thursday, March 9th 2023
Comunication to authors: Friday, March 17th 2023
Early-bird registration fee: Friday, March 24th 2023
Registation closure: Friday, April 24th 2023
Meeting: from May 15th to 19th 2023
All participants are invited to stay at the Bahía Tropical Hotel. The cost of the room (double or single) is €85 (taxes, breakfast and lunches during the conference included). You can book your room through the registration form.
If you have any question or special requirements do not hesitate to contact the Technical Secretaritat at els@granadacongresos.com
There is a limited number of rooms at the agreed price. We recommend to book your accommodation as far in advance as possible.
Cancellation policy: The hotel cancellation is free of charge until April, 24th. After the date, the amount paid as hotel reservation will not be refunded.
The Conference registration fee could be refunded until May, 1st.
The ELS 2023 Organization has a code of behaviour that all registered participants are encouraged to read and to abide by. More information here
Sunday, May 14th
20:00 Registration desk opening and Welcome Cocktail (the Solarium terrace (4th floor) of the Bahía Tropical Hotel)
Monday, May 15th
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Opening ceremony
09:15-10:30 Session 1: THEORETICAL STUDIES I. Chair: Fernando Moreno
09:15-09:45 Ping Yang (Plenary van de Hulst Award 2022 Lecture) Light scattering by nonspherical dielectric particles
09:45-10:00 Lucas Paulien Modelling of scattering and absorption by multiple cylinders
10:00-10:15 R. Lee Panetta Optimal Truncation of Vector Spherical Harmonic Expansions In Single Homogeneous Particle IITM Scattering Calculations: Going Beyond Dependence On Size Parameter Alone.
10:15-10:30 Maxim Yurkin (Mustafa Pinar Mengüç) Robust DDA simulations for exciting sources inside a particle
10:30-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-13:00 Session 2: THEORETICAL STUDIES II. Chair: Hannakaisa Lindqvist
11:15-11:45 Daniel Mackowski (Invited) Current features and uses of the MSTM code
11:45-12:00 Stuart Hawkins A numerically stable T-matrix algorithm
12:00-12:15 Mirza Arnaut Yet Another Scattering Framework (YASF)
12:15-12:30 Karri Muinonen Light scattering by nonspherical particles close to rough surfaces
12:30-12:45 Harry Ballington A hybrid physical-geometric optics method for light scattering from large particles with surface roughness
12:45-13:00 Chen Zhou Quantifying the coherent backscatter enhancement in single scattering with discrete dipole approximation
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:45 Session 3: THEORETICAL STUDIES III. Chair: Lei Bi
14:30-15:00 Yevgen Grynko (Invited) Light backscattering from large particles and dense particulate media: solving a multi-scale electromagnetic problem
15:00-15:15 Aalexander Konoshonkin Coherent backscattering by large faceted particles calculated within the physical-optics approximation
15:15-15:30 Bingqiang Sun Analytical Linearization and Preliminary Application of Light Scattering Properties of a Single Particle
15:30-15:45 Luiz Felipe Votto Improvements and applications of the finite series method in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory
15:45-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:00 Thomas Wriedt (Michael Mischenko Medal 2021 Award lecture) On light scattering and collaboration, History of Light Scattering in Bremen
17:00 Wine and Cheese Poster Session
Tuesday, May 16th
09:00-10:30 Session 4: ATMOSPHERIC PARTICLES I. Chair: Michael Kahnert
09:00-09:30 Hannakaisa Lindqvist (Invited) Assessing the effect of atmospheric aerosols on satellite observations of carbon dioxide
09:30-09:45 Alexei Lyapustin Retrieving Spectral Aerosol Absorption and Speciation from DSCOVR EPIC
09:45-10:00 Alexander Marshak EPIC onboard DSCOVR for cloud and aerosol measurements
10:00-10:15 Stephen Holler Classification of Aggregates Using Multispectral Two-Dimensional Angular Light Scattering Simulations
10:15-10:30 Zhao-Cheng Zeng Constraining the vertical profile and angular scattering effect of aerosols in the Los Angeles megacity using hyperspectral measurements of Oxygen absorption
10:30-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-13:00 Session 5: ATMOSPHERIC PARTICLES II. Chair: Patrick Stegman
11:15-11:45 Hester Volten (Invited) Citizen scientists monitoring air quality
11:45-12:00 Michael Kahnert Reference model for optical properties of marine aerosols
12:00-12:15 Lei Bi Light scattering by nonspherical and inhomogeneous aerosols: T-matrix and Machine learning
12:15-12:30 Masanori Saito Revisiting particle size distributions of nonspherical particles
12:30-12:45 Kevin Aptowicz Exploring the boundary between spherical and nonspherical atmospheric aerosol particles using angularly-resolved light scattering
12:45-13:00 Zhanqing Li Impacts of Aerosol Radiation Effect (ARE) on the PBL via Altering Entrainment Process in the Upper PBL
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:45 Session 6: LIGHT SCATTERING EXPERIMENTS I. Chair: Emma Järvinen
14:30-15:00 Romain Ceolato (Invited) Light-scattering measurements and models for lidar applications
15:00-15:15 Moritz Haarig The spectral depolarization ratio of mineral dust at 180° backscatter – from lidar field observations to the laboratory
15:15-15:30 Matthew Berg Color Digital Holography of Aerosol Particles
15:30-15:45 Killian Aleau Spectro-polarimetric two-dimensional backscattering measurements by irregularly shaped particles
15:45-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:30 Session 7: RADIATIVE TRANSFER. Chair: Hester Volten
16:30-16:45 Patrick Stegmann Advances in the JCSDA Community Radiative Transfer Model prior to its 20 Year Anniversary
16:45-17:00 Masahiro Momoi Practical solution of radiative transfer in the plane-parallel atmospheric-surface system
17:00-17:15 Feng Xu A Markov chain approach for modeling polarized radiative transfer from ultraviolet to far-infrared
17:15-17:30 Vijay Natraj The 2Stream-Exact Single Scattering (2S-ESS) Radiative Transfer Model
Wednesday, May 17th
09:00-10:30 Session 8: LASER BEAMS/OPTICAL FORCES: Chair: Maria Gritsevich
09:00-09:30 Alessandro Magazzù (Invited) (Maria G. Donato) Manipulation and characterization of cosmic dust and sea microplastics by Optical and Raman tweezers
09:30-09:45 David Bronte Ciriza Faster and More Accurate Geometrical-Optics Optical Force Calculation Using Neural Networks
09:45-10:00 Jhonas Olivati de Sarro (Leonardo André Ambrosio) Ideal two-dimensional discrete superpositions of Bessel beams in stratified media
10:00-10:15 Leonardo André Ambrosio Multichromatic nondiffracting surface beams at the millimeter scale
10:15-10:30 Gerard Gouesbet Forces exerted on particles by laser radiation
10:30-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Session 9: LIGHT SCATTERING EXPERIMENTS II. Chair: Mathew Berg
11:30-11:45 Ivan Lopushenko Propagation of Laguerre-Gaussian beam with orbital angular momentum in turbid tissue-like medium
11:45-12:00 Augusto García-Valenzuela Full-dynamic mixing formulas for the effective refractive index of dense colloids and dependent scattering effects
12:00-12:15 Jonas Gienger Imaging and Analysis of Light Scattered by Single Particles and Cells in a Flow Cytometer
12:15-12:30 Maria G. Donato Optical trapping and manipulation in front of epsilon-near-zero metamaterials
12:30-12:45 Martin Schnaiter Advancing Our Understanding of Solar Radiation in Clouds: PHIPS Probe Reveals New Insights on Light Scattering Behavior of Atmospheric Ice Particles
12:45-13:00 Mustafa Pinar Mengüç Radiative Cooling by Sand
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:45 Session 10: ICE CRYSTALS AND CLOUDS. Chair: Masanori Saito
14:30-14:45 Guanglang Xu An observational based parameterization of the light scattering properties of natural ice crystals in the visible region
14:45-15:00 Qingwei Duan Generalized rainbow patterns of ellipsoidal droplets simulated by the vectorial complex ray model
15:00-15:15 Chenxu Gao Physical Retrieval Algorithm of Cloud Microphysical Parameters and Preliminary Application
15:15-15:30 James Coy A New Optical Property Database for Improved Ice Cloud Retrievals in Lidar-based Remote Sensing Applications
15:30-15:45 Emma Järvinen Observational Perspective on Ice Cloud Asymmetry Parameter in Short-wave
20:00 Conference dinner @La Última Ola
Thursday, May 18th
09:30-10:00 Gerard Gouesbet (Plenary van de Hulst Award 2020 Lecture) Wow stories in the GLMT landscape
10:00-10:15 Jean-Michel Geffrin Measurements of microwave analogs for EM and light scattering studies
10:15-10:30 Jiajie Wang Design of an active light scattering system for interstellar dust characteristics in future Comet exploration mission
10:30-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:45 Antti Penttilä (Invited) Modeling the asteroid polarization of the DART mission impact ejecta
11:45-12:00 Oleksandra Ivanova The scattering properties of centaur 174P/Echeclus
12:00--12:15 Claudia Morello Analysis of Cryovolcano Plumes on Enceladus by Light Scattering and Polarimetry
12:15-12:30 Jarmo Moilanen Ice crystal halos and comets
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14.00-19:00 Social event: Guided visit to "Cuevas de Nerja" and Frigiliana
Friday, May 19th
09:30-10:00 Sungsoo S. Kim (Invited) Observational Strategy for Danuri/PolCam Measurements of the Lunar Surface from Orbit
10:00-10:15 Anhelina Voitko Fast Variations of Color in Comet C/2016 M1 (PanSTARRS)
10:15-10:30 Olena Shubina Dust properties and their variations in comet C/2013 X1 (PanSTARRS))
10:30-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:45 Ann C. Vandaele (Invited) The role of dust in the Martian atmosphere
11:45-12:00 Julia Martikainen Retrieving optical properties of dust particles from laboratory data: refractive indices and scattering matrix elements
12:00-12:15 Mikko Vuori Deriving the complex refractive index of a mm-sized acoustically levitated single particle using laboratory measurements
12:15-12:30 Maria Gritsevich The 2007 dust trail of the comet 17P/Holmes — open call for light scattering modelling and observations
12:30-13:00 Anne Virkki (Invited) Planetary surface characterization by modeling radar scattering
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:00 Francois Menard (Invited) Light scattering by circumstellar dust disks
15:00-15:15 Amelie Litman Scattering properties of microwave analogs of protoplanetary dust aggregates
15:15-15:30 Juan Carlos Gómez Martín Experimental phase function and degree of linear polarization of light scattered by amorphous carbon circumstellar dust analogues
15:30-15:45 Colin Hamill Phase function and degree of linear polarization measurements for KCl particles as an exoplanet cloud analog
15:45-16:00 Daniel Guirado Self-scattering by non-spherical particles in protoplanetary disks
16:00 Closing ceremony
17:00 Farewell party @Chiringuito UHA
How to register?
This Meeting will be an in-person meeting. The registration deadline is April 24th, 2023.
To formalize the participation you must fill the mandatory fields in the registration form. Payment can be made by bank transfer or credit card through the registration platform. If bank transfer is chosen, you must state clearly the name and the reference received by email.
Registration fee
The conference fee for all registrations received before Friday, March 24th 2023 will be 350 euros. The registration fee includes all coffee breaks listed in the program, welcome cocktail, the conference dinner on Wednesday evening, the farewell party of Friday and the welcome pack. From 24th March 2023 onward the registration fee will have a surcharge of 50€.
Other social activities that will be listed in the program like tours or sports activities are not included in the registration fee. Companions are welcome at all social activities. Please, contact the Technical Secretariat (els@granadacongresos.com) to register companions in the activities.
Travel Support
Funds will be available to sponsor travel of a limited group of PhD students and postdocs.
Non-US citizens: To apply to a travel grant, please email els@granadacongresos.com with a brief description of your request. The deadline to apply for the grant will be December 31st, 2022.
U.S. citizens: Each grant will not exceed $2,500. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. To apply for a travel grant, please email Matthew Berg at matt.berg@phys.ksu.edu. If selected, you will be notified by email by 3 March 2023. As you begin to plan your travel, please be aware that there are restrictions if you receive travel support from the conference organizers. Because travel support will be provided by the U.S. government, the "Fly America Act" will apply. In short, this act requires that you use a U.S. based airline and this applies regardless of your nationality. More information may be found here. Please note that the exemption based on a "bilateral or multilateral air transport agreement" in the act does not apply for this conference. If you require more information, please email matt.berg@phys.ksu.edu
All participants are invited to stay at the Bahía Tropical Hotel. The cost of the room (double or single) is €85 (taxes, breakfast and lunches during the conference included). You can book your room through the registration form.
If you have any question or special requirements do not hesitate to contact the Technical Secretaritat at els@granadacongresos.com
There is a limited number of rooms at the agreed price. We recommend to book your accommodation as far in advance as possible.
Abstract submission
The organizing committee invites authors to submit abstracts for on-site presentation within any of the topic listed above
The presenting author must be registered in the Congress.
Abstracts can be up to 350 words.
Abstracts must be submitted through the registration form.
Call for Nominations - 2022 Elsevier/JQSRT Awards
DEADLINE EXTENDED to Nov 30th 2022
Peter C. Waterman Award: This prestigious Elsevier/JQSRT young- scientist award is named after Peter C. Waterman (1928 - 2012) whose ground-breaking research has had a dramatic and long-lasting impact and to a large degree has guided the progress in the disciplines of electromagnetic, acoustic, and elastic wave scattering by obstacles.The 2022 Waterman Award will be competed among outstanding early-career scientists who work on the theory and applications of Electromagnetic Scattering. The award will be presented at the 20th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference (ELS-XX), Almuñecar, 14th-19th May 2023. The award will consist of a certificate and monetary prize of 750 USD. For more details see https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-quantitative-spectroscopy-and-radiative-transfer/about/awards-winners
Richard M. Goody Award: This prestigious Elsevier/JQSRT young-scientist award is named after Richard M. Goody whose pioneering research has had a profound and long- lasting impact on the disciplines of atmospheric radiation, remote sensing, and climate change. The 2022 Goody Award will be competed among outstanding early-career scientists who work in the fields of Atmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing. The award will be presented at the 20th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference (ELS-XX), 14th-19th May 2023. The award will consist of a certificate and monetary prize of 750 USD. For more details see https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-quantitative-spectroscopy-and-radiative-transfer/about/awards-winners
JQSRT special issue
Following the highly successful ELS practice, we will be soliciting papers for the ELS-XX Topical Issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spetroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) and hope that you will want your state-of-the-art research to become part of yet another benchmark collection of papers on electromagnetic scattering and its applications. This Topical Issue will consist only of full-size papers documenting research either reported at the conference or pertaining to the main topics of ELS-XIX. Extended abstracts of conference presentations will not be considered. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by at least two independent referees to ensure that all accepted manuscripts satisfy the highest standards of scientific quality adopted for JQSRT.
The Meeting will take place at "Hotel Bahía Tropical", Paseo del Tesorillo, s/n, 18690 Almuñécar, Granada.
All participants are invited to stay at the Bahía Tropical Hotel. The cost of the room (double or single) is €85 (taxes and breakfast included). You can book your room through the registration form.
How to get Almuñécar?
By Car: Getting to Almuñécar by car is simple and presents no difficulty, the city is perfectly communicated; if you come from Madrid, you must take the Andalusia Highway (A-4) and in Bailén connect with the Sierra Nevada-Costa Tropical Highway (A-44), later you must join the A-7; If you are traveling from Malaga or Almería: your reference road will be the Autovía del Mediterráneo (A-7), a highway parallel to the coastal road, the Carretera Nacional N-340.
The two roads meet again at the entrance to La Herradura, exit 305 West (if you are coming from Malaga) and at the entrance to Almuñécar, taking exit 314 East (if you are coming from Granada or Almería).
By Bus: To get to Almuñécar and La Herradura by bus, you have buses from the main cities such as Granada, Malaga, Seville, Madrid..., visit the ALSA company website and find the timetable that best suits you. These buses leave daily and during the summer season the frequency is increased.
By Plane: You must take a flight from your destination to the Malaga-Costa del Sol airport or to the Granada-Jaén airport and then use any type of ground transportation.
From Malaga airport: If you plan to come by plane, learn about and choose the transport alternatives to get to Almuñécar from Malaga “Costa del Sol” airport (80 km from Almuñécar).
From Granada airport: Get to know and choose the transport alternatives to get to Almuñécar from Granada-Jaén “Federico García Lorca” Airport (90km from Almuñécar).
Please, before preparing your trip, check the latest news and restrictions related to COVID here: www.spth.gob.es

The organisers acknowledge financial support from the European Science Fundation (ESF), MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Grants RYC-2016-19570 and PID2021-123370OB-I00) and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PTR.

The organisers acknowledge financial support from the Nasa. Grant number 80NSSC20K0649
Technical Secretariat · Baobab Eventos · els@granadacongresos.com