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Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Astronomy

A Severo Ochoa School of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)

The School


The IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Astronomy (SOMACHINE 2020) will be held at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC), Granada, from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th of November 2020. It is directed at researchers in astrophysics of all levels and aims at providing them with a thorough background in the advanced data processing techniques of Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning. Classes will be taught by experts from the Andalusian Institute of Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI) of the University of Granada (UGR), that belongs to the worldwide leading research institutes in its field. The theoretical lessons will be complemented by practical hands-on lessons and lectures on applications of Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in astrophysical research.

            We encourage participants to ask questions that relate their problems to those presented in the lectures. There will be time for questions after each lecture. If you have a specific problem and would like it to be discussed in the lectures, then you can send in information/data/a slide (best all of them). In that case, please do this well in advance (3-4 weeks before the school; send to

All talks and material of the school can be found at this github site


The school will be held online, via Zoom


  • Francisco Herrera, Universidad de Granada​

  • Salvador García, Universidad de Granada

  • Julián Luengo, Universidad de Granada

  • Juan Antonio Cortés, Universidad de Granada

  • Kyle Boone, University of Washington

  • M. Huertas-Company, Université Paris Diderot - Observatoire de Paris - IAC

  • Alberto Fernández, Universidad de Granada

  • Diego García, Universidad de granada

  • Federica Bianco, University of Delaware

  • Wil O'Mullane, Rubin Observatory

  • David Charte, Universidad de Granada

  • Anabel Gómez, UGR

  • David Charte, UGR

  • Siham Tabik, UGR

  • Alberto Castillo, UGR

  • Ashish Mahabal, Caltech

  • Javier Moldón, IAA

  • Anna Bonaldi, SKAO 

  • Wolfgang Kerzendorf, Michigan State University

  • Andrés Asensio, IAC


  • Monday, 23rd November 2020: Machine Learning

  • Tuesday, 24th November 2020: Machine Learning

  • Wedneday, 25th November 2020: Big Data

  • Thursday, 26th November 2020: Deep Learning

  • Friday, 27th November 2020: Applications in Astronomy


Scientific Organizing Committee

  • Rainer Schoedel ​(IAA-CSIC)

  • Francisco Herrera (University of Granada)

  • Salvador García (University of Granada)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Alicia Pelegrina López (IAA-CSIC)

  • Manuel González García (IAA-CSIC)




All participants should have a laptop or desktop available. 

The practical sessions will rely on Jupyter notebooks and the participants should have (ideally) Anaconda installed.

Further details will be announced in due time

There is a repository on github that contains much relevant information:
On the github repository you will find, among other things, a link to the notebooks including virtual machines, for executing the practical parts of the school. There is also information on how to install Apache Spark and Anaconda on you own computer if you wish to do so (but this is not necessary because we also provide a VM)



How to register?

To formalize the participation you must fill in the mandatory fields in the registration form below. Payment can be made by bank transfer or credit card through the registration platform. If bank transfer is chosen, you must state clearly the name and the reference received by email. An inscription will only become valid once the fee has been paid.

Registration fee

The registration before November 9th is 50€.


After November 9th a surcharge of 20€ will be applied to the registration fee. 

The School is complete



Funding: The organisers acknowledge financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the "Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa" award to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709).

Technical Secretariat: Baobab Eventos · Granada Congresos  ·



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Funding: FOM@PLAY - Freedom of Movement at Play: EU citizens’ Identity and Transnational Discourses (2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000086521)

Technical Secretariat: Baobab Eventos · Granada Congresos  ·

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